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Environmentally-Responsible Mosquito Control Products & Services


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Trailblazing Sustainable Mosquito Management

Since 2009, 我们挑战自己,从可持续性的角度来看待我们在公共卫生方面的工作. 我们提出了创新和实践,以减少我们对环境的影响,并加深我们对所服务社区的贡献. 这是一项从未完成的工作——我们对自己的持续改进负责. 看看我们是如何实现最新的可持续发展目标的.

Read the 2020 / 2021 Clarke Sustainability Report

The Reach and Impact of Clarke


U.S. Communities Served


Proprietary Mosquito Control Product Lines


Countries with Product Registrations


WHO PQ Listed Products

Delivering Solutions for Global Vector Control

四大洲的卫生部和非政府组织都使用我们的灭蚊产品, equipment, 以及保护居民免受登革热等病媒传播疾病侵害的监测解决方案, Zika病毒, Chikungunya and Yellow Fever viruses, as well as Malaria and Lymphatic filariasis.

Learn More about our International Work

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Experts in Mosquito Control Services

Since 1946, 我们通过对环境负责的灭蚊服务保护了社区的公众健康. 我们为客户提供综合灭蚊方案,包括:

Abatement Districts


Counties and States

Health Departments

Commercial Properties


Golf Courses

Entertainment Venues

Homeowner Associations and Subdivisions

Residential Properties


See our Mosquito Control Services

Mosquito Control Products that Meet Public Preference

我们的防蚊产品组合和设备选项可帮助您管理预算, public health priorities, environmental impacts and results.

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We recognize that every action we take, big or small, 能直接影响环境并显著影响后代吗.

portrait of J Lyelle Clarke III
J. Lyell Clarke III
people in a classroom all raising their hands
close up of a mosquito

Workshops For Mosquito Control Professionals


Workshop topics include:

  • Vector disease activity updates
  • Trends and emerging practices
  • Mosquito biology and habitat
  • Survey, surveillance and mapping
  • Larval and adult mosquito control strategies
  • Aligning public health with public preference

Find a free mosquito control workshop in your area.

View Open Workshops

Florida Mosquito-Borne Disease Activity Updates

Get analysis from Dr. Jonathan Day, 佛罗里达大学医学昆虫学名誉教授, 乐虎网整个佛罗里达州病媒传播疾病活动状况的报告.

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Clarke Adult Mosquito in a cage
people working together in a lunch green garden
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A Passion For People And The Planet

That’s what drives the Clarke team, day in and day out. 这就是为什么我们成立了乐虎网关怀基金会,并不断挑战极限,为每个人开发更可持续的解决方案.

It’s a passion built from the ground up, 我们的先锋团队开发并提供对环境负责的蚊虫控制解决方案和水生服务,以帮助预防疾病, control nuisances, and create healthy waterways.

Learn more 乐虎网 Us

Great Place To Work Badge

Clarke is proud to be designated as a Great Place to Work® company.

最佳工作场所认证旨在表彰在工作场所创造卓越员工体验的雇主. 我们的同事调查显示,乐虎网77%的同事认为这是一个很好的工作场所,而在典型的美国公司,这一比例为57%.S.-based company.

Other highlights of our survey findings include:

  • 88%的同事对我们对社区的贡献感到满意
  • 86%的同事觉得他们被赋予了很多责任
  • 88% of coworkers felt welcome when joining Clarke

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