


国际自然保护联盟 (IUCN) recently placed the monarch butterfly – known for its striking orange and black pattern as well as its annual migration – on the IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM.  Monarch butterflies join a group of beneficial pollinators cited on this list as being threatened or endangered due to many factors – including the misuse of herbicides and insecticides.

So, how do modern mosquito control methods avoid harming these pollinators while still protecting public health?



开始, beneficial pollinator populations have struggled for some time amid a long list of threats and challenges. 然而,以下因素导致了人口的逐渐下降, 其他灾难性事件, 比如一种传染病瓦螨 幼虫 消灭了44%的管理蜂群 2015年至2016年, 也是毁灭性的, 导致这些危险的低人口水平.

然而,没有一个单一的问题可以确定为这种下降的唯一原因, 一些相互关联的因素包括:

  • 来自入侵性病虫害的威胁
  • 栖息地的丧失,通常是由于城市或农村的发展
  • 气候变化、气温上升、干旱和其他前所未有的天气事件
  • 由于本地植物和越冬栖息地的丧失而造成的迁徙挑战
  • 接触除草剂、杀虫剂和其他化学物质

读这篇文章, 可以理解为什么居民会质疑他们社区的蚊子控制计划的优点. 然而, 如果实现得当, 综合蚊子管理方案不应指望损害有益的传粉媒介.


控制蚊子有助于提高社区的生活质量, with a majority of mosquito control efforts and treatments focused on protecting public health from mosquito-borne diseases.

有些蚊子种类可以携带病媒传播的疾病, 或由在人类或动物之间传播传染性病原体的有机体传播的疾病. 这些疾病包括西尼罗河病毒, Zika病毒, 东部马脑炎或登革热, 还有寄生虫,比如疟疾.  蚊子通常被称为世界上最致命的动物, 这是有原因的——蚊子传播的疾病 每年超过70万人死亡 根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的数据,

最有效的社区蚊虫控制计划遵循以下原则 蚊患综合治理 -由 环保局和疾控中心 这涉及到利用五种不同的管理策略. 它们包括:

  • 以减少传染源和加强个人防护为重点的社区教育;
  • 对社区内潜在的和已知的蚊子滋生地进行测绘;
  • 监测本地蚊子数量和发现虫媒病毒疾病的存在;
  • Treating breeding sites with larval control products that prevent mosquito larvae from becoming biting adults;
  • Ultra-low volume adult mosquito control spray treatments to provide immediate relief from biting or disease carrying-adult populations.


超低体积(ULV)喷雾处理通常用于大面积蚊虫控制, 设备装在卡车上, 全地形车辆, 或飞机. 在所有蚊子综合管理策略中, this type of treatment is typically the most visible in a community and piques resident concerns most about pollinator impacts.

你可以了解更多乐虎网紫外线蚊子喷雾剂的知识 在这里,但以下是紫外线喷雾处理的基本原理:

  • ULV spray machines convert a liquid mosquito control product into an ultra-fine spray mist comprised of microscopic droplets.
  • 这些液滴形成了一个喷雾云, 随着空气移动, so the droplets can make physical contact with flying adult mosquitoes and deliver an effective dose of insecticide.
  • 产品将在空气柱中保持活性5-30分钟, 根据天气情况, 在开始迅速消散和崩溃之前.


紫外线蚊子 喷涂 影响传粉者

避免紫外线蚊喷洒对传粉媒介造成不良影响, 从产品和应用的角度来看,有几个关键动作起作用:

  1. 用于紫外线蚊子喷雾剂的产品是epa注册的, 高度精制的产品配方,通常含有极少量的活性成分. 在注册产品之前, 环境保护署会对产品进行全面评估,以确保在使用时符合标签说明, 他们不会伤害人类, 非目标物种或环境.
  2. Applications disperse a very small amount of product over an area – usually around one ounce of formulated product per land acre. 为了便于比较, 一盎司大约是小玻璃杯里的液体体积, 一英亩土地大约相当于一个足球场. 剂量极低,因为考虑到蚊子的大小和重量,这是对蚊子有效的.
  3. Mosquito control product droplets must make physical contact with the body of a mosquito to take effect – typically attacking the insect’s nervous system to deliver mortality. 它们能迅速减少治疗时活跃的成蚊数量, 并且没有任何残留(持久)效果.
  4. 在不伤害有益传粉者或其他非目标昆虫的情况下尽可能有效, treatments typically start at dusk or dawn when mosquitoes are most active and in the air – and when beneficial pollinators are at rest.

T在这里 is also a body of field and operational research indicating that ULV mosquito control applications, 根据所有产品标签指南进行, 即使在直接接触的情况下,也对传粉媒介构成物质风险. 例如, field research conducted by the Louisiana State University found that operational ULV treatments with four different 环境保护署-registered products for mosquito control, 包括乐虎网二重唱 制定、 伤害蜜蜂, 即使以最高的标签率喷洒,并与应用程序近50英尺远. 这是一个重要的研究, as it bridges laboratory modeling of exposure to active ingredients to real-world operational conditions with formulated products.

紫外线防蚊产品怎么样 残留 影响传粉者

在处理区域内接触产品残留物是传粉媒介的另一个潜在问题. Mosquito control products for application through ULV equipment are designed to limited deposition within a treatment area, but t在这里 is a standard study protocol (called the “Residual Time to 25% Mortality (RT25) ) that is used to assess residue toxicity on honeybees. RT25研究 结果已在美国存档.S. 环境保护署 用于二重唱配方(含有活性成分), 丙烯菊酯和d-吩菊酯, brand name Sumithrin) that indicate ULV droplet residue on foliage within a treatment area would be non-toxic within 3 hours of an application, even at the highest application rate labeled for mosquito control and even if t在这里 is direct spray exposure to the plant (which would not routinely happen in real-world treatment settings).  在操作方面, 这转化为一个高水平的信心,早上后的蚊子控制应用, 很少有对蜜蜂或其他有益的暴露的担忧, 在喷洒过的区域内觅食的敏感昆虫.


作为蚊虫控制服务提供商和产品制造商, 乐虎网最终负责管理使用我们产品的蚊虫控制应用, 按照产品标签.

除了, we coordinate with state regulators w在这里 possible on best management practices for endangered or threatened insects. 例如, 当我们伊利诺斯州的治疗区域与敏感区域重合时, 受威胁或濒危物种栖息地, 乐虎网是伊利诺伊州自然资源部的顾问. This step has resulted in good alignment around the operational treatment protocols and best management practices for pollinator protection that 乐虎网 follows in its public health mosquito control work.



T在这里’s a lot that community residents can do to help revive or sustain beneficial pollinator populations – and things we can all do to help avoid further disruptions.
