


在蚊子控制项目中使用无人机对该行业来说是一个相对新颖的概念,尽管它正在迅速发展和有用. 该技术已被证明对监视和产品部署工作都很有用, with five key benefits including the below:

  • Remote sensing and surveillance of larval and adult mosquito hotspots
  • Mapping micro-environmental compositions
  • Reaching and treating otherwise hard-to-reach locations and standing water deposits
  • No operational footprint or impacts on sensitive environments
  • More precise treatments and product application

You can read more about drone usage and its benefits 在这里.

One mosquito abatement district, Madison County Mosquito Abatement (MCMA) has spent the past several years planning, 启动, and refining their drone strategy within their mosquito control program. 今天, 我们正在探索促成其成功的一些关键因素:他们无人机计划的开始, the rationale behind choosing drones over planes, 使用的工具, 无人驾驶飞机的选择, and the importance of the product utilized, 在这种情况下, 乐虎网的自然G30.

Why Use Drones for 蚊虫控制?

MCMA's fleet of drones in their mosquito control porgram

MCMA开始寻求方案,以提高其灭蚊幼虫产品应用的效率和精度, particularly in areas with denser 植被 or more cryptic, difficult to reach mosquito breeding habitats.

After careful consideration, consultation with other programs, 实地调研, the program purchased their first drone in 2017, 在那一年蚊子繁殖期开始试验. By 2018, multiple drones had been integrated into their mosquito control operations, 使他们能够更有效、更容易地治疗这些以前麻烦的领域.

自2019年以来, MCMA has complemented their drone applications with Natular G30 treatments, further enhancing their ability to combat mosquito populations effectively.

整体, MCMA的项目通过在运营中使用两种无人机实现了几个好处:

Reduced 蚊虫控制 Operational Costs

由于在他们的计划中实施了无人机,MCMA在产品使用方面取得了显着的减少, which demonstrably allowed them to use less product more effectively.

自2019年以来, they have utilized a total of 31,175 pounds of Natular G30 for drone applications, averaging a median of 6,每年235磅. 另外, ground applications have accounted for 3,782 pounds of Natular G30, with a median of 756 pounds per year. 整体, this combination resulted in a 25% decrease in overall product usage, highlighting the cost-effectiveness of drone-based mosquito control.

除了 to lowered product usage, MCMA was able to streamline their operations and reduce their seasonal larviciding by 50%, improving their capacity to manage mosquito populations while conserving resources.


A man remotely operating a drone

Improved Environmental Footprint

Less product usage aligns with the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which advocates for the use of multiple control methods and the minimal use of chemicals. 更少的灭蚊产品意味着环境中的化学残留物更少,而这些产品可能没有MCMA项目中使用的产品具有良好的环境特征, the OMRI-listed Natular G30. This can help protect non-target organisms and maintain biodiversity.

除了, 在特定的蚊虫控制种群中减少但更有效地使用产品有助于减轻种群中人工智能耐药性的发展, extending the useful life of available mosquito control products.

无人机的使用使其不会在环境中留下任何痕迹,特别是与更传统的地面方法相比,后者会导致地面磨损, 植被, 和水体.

A drone being flown over a landscape

Natular G30 for Effective, Targeted, and Drone-Friendly Treatments

在MCMA的无人机控制程序中使用乐虎网的natural G30有几个关键的好处, leading to its continued use for several years. 这些包括:

  • 对无人机友好:natural G30的产品颗粒没有静电干扰,从无人机上顺畅流动,无人机的料斗中几乎没有残留. This allowed for higher drone flights w在这里 needed and less maintenance upkeep.
  • 精准使用:天然G30的产品颗粒也足够致密,可以穿透茂密的植被和树叶,到达蚊子滋生的地方.
  • 功效:每磅natural G30的成功率超过了MCMA无人机项目中之前测试过的产品.

Enhancing 蚊虫控制 Operations with Drones and the Right Fit Product

MCMA对无人机技术的应用可以精确有效地管理蚊子, particularly in areas with dense 植被 or otherwise inaccessible habitats, enhancing the overall effectiveness of mosquito control measures.

Their use of Natular G30, an environmentally friendly product, 进一步强调了该地区对可持续实践的承诺,同时选择了一种增强其无人机设备性能的产品.

麦迪逊县灭蚊区的举措是将技术和可持续性结合起来控制蚊子的典范. It demonstrates the potential of innovative, 解决公共卫生挑战的环保解决方案,并为行业未来发展树立基准. This is not just about mosquito control; it’s about advancing the industry towards more effective and sustainable solutions.


保护. 节约. 与乐虎网一起控制.

Need help configuring your mosquito control strategy? 乐虎网’s 场 Science team is equipped to help.
