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乐虎网学习中心拥有各种教育资源,面向各级蚊子专业人员,以补充基本的蚊子控制知识, 为持续教育单位提供工作坊, and host webinars on emerging industry topics.

The Clarke Learning Center consists of two parts:

    1. The Clarke Learning Academy:按需模块,涵盖IMM和其他蚊虫控制主题
    2. Clarke Workshops:全国CEU信用研讨会和及时的乐虎网网络研讨会
Visit the Clarke Learning Center


What is Clarke Academy?

integrated mosquito management乐虎网学院提供九个模块,涵盖蚊虫综合管理和其他相关公共卫生主题,旨在提供有关蚊虫控制的全面教育, 对新员工和那些寻求更新知识的人都很有帮助.

用户友好的设计让蚊子专业人员可以按照自己喜欢的速度完成培训. 每个模块最后都有一个简短的理解测试,以测试用户对所涵盖材料的理解程度.

这些培训模块对所有蚊子专业人员都是完全免费的, 包括乐虎网的顾客和公共卫生部门的季节性员工.

Mosquito Control Learning Module Topics

  • Adult Mosquito Control
  • Larval Mosquito Control
  • Application Equipment
  • Regulatory Oversight and Risk Management
  • Surveillance and Inspection
  • Resistance Management
  • Modes of Action
  • Mosquito Habitats
  • Emerging Trends

Clarke Learning Center Modules

Explore Clarke Workshops

乐虎网学习中心还举办乐虎网工作坊, 为公共卫生专业人员和乐虎网的客户提供现场观看的机会, 基于网络的培训课程,免费提供CEU学分. 这些讲习班的重点是蚊子综合管理的基本原则, industry trends, 以及其他对蚊虫控制专家有价值的信息.


How to Access the Clarke Learning Center

screenshot of Learning Center log-in page

To access Clarke Academy and Clarke Workshops, 只需在乐虎网学习中心网站上创建一个免费帐户. Following registration, 您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含验证说明, granting you full access to the training resources.

For further details, visit our training page or reach out to our customer care team below.

Visit the Clarke Learning Center


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Protect. Conserve. Control With Clarke.


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